Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
20.03.1997 A seminal 2D metroidvania in which after the events of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (1993), a man named Alucard arrives at Dracula's castle after it rises from the rubble, and seeks to defeat the evil contained within it once and for all by exploring, fighting its inhabitants and collecting the various weapons and abilities hidden in its depths.
2da.i. companionAchievementsAction-adventureandrogynyanti-herobacktrackingbad parentsbatsbehind the waterfallbiblical quotesBloodyboss fightbroken englishcompletion percentagecreature compendiumcrucifixday/night cycledeathdescendants of other charactersDigital distributiondigital rights managementdirect continuationdraculaE3 1997explosionfan translation - englishghostsgravitygreatest hitsharder versions of earlier levelshorsehumaninterconnected-worldisolationleaderboardLeveling upmagicmale protagonistmeleememe originmetagamemetroidvaniaminotaursmirrored mapsmoving platformsmulti-phase bossmultiple endingsmultiple protagonistsnon-player characternudityoptional bossoriginal soundtrack releaseover 100% completionpantherpetrificationpixel artpizzaplaystation plusplaystation tv supportplaystation undergroundpolygonal 3dpsone classicsreal-time combatritualsrock musicrpg elementssave pointsecret areasequence breakingshape-shiftingshoppingside-scrollingsingle-player onlyskeletonssoul stealspecial attacksspeedrunsurprising character switchestaste of powertragic herotransforming bossundeadvampirevampire huntervillainvillain turned goodwolfxbox one backwards compatibility
The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins with Richter Belmont's defeat of Count Dracula, mirroring the end of the former game. However, despite Dracula being defeated, Richter vanishes without a trace. Castlevania rises again five years later, and while there are no Belmonts to storm the castle, Alucard, the son of Dracula, awakens from his self-induced sleep, and decides to investigate what transpired during his slumber.Meanwhile, Maria Renard, Richter's sister-in-law, enters Castlevania herself to search for the missing Richter. She assists Alucard multiple times throughout the game.
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