Mario Party 8
29.05.2007 Mario Party 8 is the eighth installment of the Mario Party series on a home console and the first Mario Party game for the Wii. Mario Party 8 is notable for its strong use of the Wii Remote and its motion control capabilities in minigames. Players are required to perform various gestures instead of traditional button/joystick controls. Common motions include pointing-and-shooting, shaking, waving, turning, and twisting the Wii Remote. Player-created Miis are featured in this game, wherein they often show up within crowds. Miis can appear in certain minigames and may also serve as the player's character in Extra Mode. By playing regular party games, minigames, and completing the Star Battle Arena mode, players will earn Carnival Cards, which may be spent to unlock figures and game features.
batsbutton mashingcharacter select screencountdown timerday/night cycledicedonkey konggame title announcerghostshammer bros.high scorein-game announceritalian accentluigimiimii as playable charactermii supportminigame collectionMinigamesmotion controlmultiple playable charactersoverweight characterplatform exclusivepolygonal 3dprincessprincess peachsequelshoppingstarting gridsudden deathtentaclestime limitturtleundeadunlockableswarioyoshi
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