Resident Evil 4
11.01.2005 Resident Evil 4 is the sixth installment of the Resident Evil series praised as a revolution from the core games. It was the first title to implement a third-person view rather than the original fixed camera angles its predecessors had. Its mechanics have been completely revamped to incorporate fast-paced gunplay, quick controls and shoot-outs involving massive crowds of enemies in more open areas. The brand-new AI system and open environments allow enemies to work together to capture and corner Leon. Enemies are now humans, which allows them to climb up ladders, open doors, and use weapons throughout the game. Resident Evil 4 had one of the most tormented developments in any game, four proposed versions of the game were discarded by the developers before the finished product was released.
60 fps on consolesa.i. companionAchievementsAction-adventureaggressive door-openingalternate costumesambient musicanimal crueltyanimation cancelingbacktrackingbanter during gameplaybeen here beforebehind the waterfallblack marketBloodybook adaptationbreaking through windowscatapultcensored versioncountdown timercover systemdestructible environmentdogdynamic difficultyescort missionevil organizationfan servicefemme fatalegame with chaptersgameplay twisthostagesinnocent people dieinstant killinteractive environmentsisolationmale antagonistmazemercenaryMinigamesmonstersmutantsover the shoulderprofanityquick time eventquick-time eventsreal-time combatretail games with steam activationrunning towards the screensequel is in a different genresurprising character switchessurvival horrortank controlstime limitTrapswrestling moves in non-wrestling gameszombies
The game's main protagonist is Leon S. Kennedy, one of the few survivors of the Raccoon City incident, who was recruited and trained by the US Government to become a special agent after they learned of his actions in Raccoon City. Now an agent for a special security agency, Leon is sent to Spain on a mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the President's daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious cult organization.
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