The Sims 3: Generations
31.05.2011 Enjoy a whole spectrum of rich life experiences with your Sims in The Sims 3: Generations. Start off in the imagination-fueled world of childhood and embrace the drama of the teen years. Experience the complicated realities of adult life, then reap the benefits of growing up in each life stage. A wealth of new options and activities makes your Sims' lives more meaningful than ever before, whatever their ages. With new celebrations, dramatic life events, and all-new ways for your Sims to express their creativity, Generations lets your Sims live life to the fullest!
buildingcartoonycharacter customizationCuteE3 2011Family friendlyfunnyimmersiveLife simulationmanagementrealismrelaxingsleeping
The parties that were the talk of the town now go into overdrive, with more elaborate choices that will thrill your social butterflies. Childhood gets a special boost to its regular eating and pooping routine with brand new strollers for purchase, and a very special doll. With enough imagination spent on this unique toy, your child can create their very own imaginary friend. Play with the new costume trunk, or hide away in their tree house. Your Sim kids have more to do than ever before.As your Sim kids get older, live out your wildest teen-angst ridden rebellion fantasies with the newest ability: pranks. Paired with a little skill in the Chemistry path, your pranks can become elaborate science-fueled machinations of mayhem that you can document in your own Sim Scrapbook. For good measure, grab your Sim video camera and capture your mischief to play over and over again in your own living room.Every expansion opens up a new Sim world, so go out there and light some poo on that nosey neighbor’s porch. Sims of every age can enjoy new activities. Kids can hang out with friends in tree houses. Teens can pull hilarious pranks. Adults can suffer midlife crises. And so much more. Whether it’s a raging all-teen party while the parents are out, a high school graduation or an official wedding ceremony, new celebrations make every age more fun. From bachelor party hi-jinks to getting in trouble for bad grades to hearing rumors around town about Sims who cheat on their spouses, hilarity ensues when new drama unfolds.Sims will enjoy all-new ways to be creative including tinkering with chemistry sets, making their own home movies that they can watch on their own TVs, playing make believe as an astronaut, dinosaur, princess, and more. All of the new activities, celebrations, and drama are easier than ever to remember and reminisce about with a new Memories system that keeps track of major life moments.
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