The Sims 4
02.09.2014 Unleash your imagination and create a unique world of Sims that's an expression of you! Explore and customize every detail from Sims to homes, and much more with The Sims 4. Life, and Sims, are yours to control. Customize your unique Sims, design their homes & take them on wild adventures through celebdom, romance, holidays and more.
buildingcartoonyCasualcharacter customizationCuteFamily friendlyfunnyimmersiveLGBTQ+Life simulationmanagementrealismrelaxingsocial simulationtime managementyou can pet the dog
Choose how Sims look, act, and dress. Determine how they’ll live out each day. Design and build incredible homes for every family, then decorate with your favorite furnishings and décor. Travel to different neighborhoods where you can meet other Sims and learn about their lives. Discover beautiful locations with distinctive environments, and go on spontaneous adventures. Manage the ups and downs of Sims’ everyday lives and see what happens when you play out realistic or fantastical scenarios. Tell your stories your way while developing relationships, pursuing careers and life aspirations, and immersing yourself in an extraordinary game where the possibilities are endless.
Expansions (12)
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