Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
20.06.2003 Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is the sixth game in the Tomb Raider series, and is the sequel to Tomb Raider: Chronicles. Angel of Darkness introduces new stealth and close-combat moves - ducking, sneaking and hug-the-walls walking. Lara must build her skills by performing action sequences. You'll have her running, dodging, performing flying leaps and platform jumps, shimming along walls and cables, as well as moving boxes and other obstacles around. Advancements are achieved with strategically placed power-ups. Collect weapons and ammunition, artifacts and money.
60 fps on consolesacrobaticsAction-adventurearcheologyartificial intelligencebink videoblock puzzlebritish accentclimbingCrimedeathdialogue treesdifficulty levelDigital distributionE3 2002E3 2003ea appfemale protagonistgreatest hitshelicoptermale protagonistmascotmultiple protagonistsoriginal soundtrack releasepolygonal 3dreviewed by avgnsteamswimmingtank controlstreasure hunt
A series of grisly murders brings Lara into conflict with a sinister Alchemist from the past, and a secret alliance of powerful individuals shrouded in mystery. Accused of the murder of her one time mentor, Werner Von Croy, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run. Pursued by the police, she follows the Alchemist into a dark world of blood, betrayal and vengeance where it is up to her to defeat this unholy alliance, and stop them from unleashing their incredible powers on the world.
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